The Vintage Art Deco eBook reveals the secrets of 50 Art Deco Cards in the Sanskrit language. How does this ancient language relate to tarot? Tarot, Gypsy cards, Playing cards and Chess are all connected by the Sanskrit language. This book will help you understand the origins, types, beliefs and symbols of these traditions...


Tarot helps seekers to expand their practice of self-discovery with breathtaking guidebooks.

Gypsy Tarot Reading

This eBook introduces 36 gypsy cards with a Vintage Art Deco design. It is based on the ancient Sanskrit language, which helps you explore your inner self. The cards reflect your mental state, or cintana (Sanskrit), which comes from the word cit (psyche in Greek). Cintana means awareness, knowledge, and intellect. Cintana shows you how your thoughts shape your reality, as they are connected to your soul. Your soul is invisible, but you can feel it all the time, even in your dreams. It is the source of your constant identity, despite the changes in your life. Your thoughts send out vibrations to the universe, which returns them to you, affecting your DNA.

Price: $20.00AUD

Details of Pdf eBook.

This eBook is 44 pages, and 2.61MB. pdf publication. The book explaining each 36 unique Gypsy card image combined with playin cards and how they are connected. The reading includes meaning and reverse meaning.

The Art Deco style Tarot is a digital Pdf eBook. See more details of the sample tarot reading before you decide this book is for you. >>


Tarot Teaches Balance, a way to a happier life.

One of the most important lessons that tarot can teach us is how to achieve balance in our lives. Balance is not only a state of harmony but also a dynamic process of adjustment and integration. When we are balanced, we are able to cope with the challenges and opportunities that life presents us, without losing our sense of self or our values. Tarot can help us find balance in three main areas: our mind, our body, and our spirit.

Our mind is the realm of thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes. It is where we process information, make decisions, and communicate with others. Tarot can help us balance our minds by showing us different perspectives, revealing hidden aspects of ourselves, and stimulating our creativity. By using tarot as a tool for reflection and dialogue, we can expand our awareness, clarify our goals, and align our actions with our intentions.

Our body is the vessel of our physical existence. It is where we experience sensations, emotions, and impulses. It is also where we express ourselves through actions, gestures, and words. Tarot can help us balance our body by reminding us of the importance of self-care, pleasure, and health. By using tarot as a guide for wellness and enjoyment, we can nurture our vitality, honor our feelings, and respect our boundaries.

Our spirit is the source of our inspiration, intuition, and connection. It is where we access our higher wisdom, discover our purpose, and transcend our limitations. Tarot can help us balance our spirit by encouraging us to explore our spirituality, trust our inner voice, and embrace our uniqueness. By using tarot as a bridge to the divine and the universal, we can awaken our potential, follow our passion, and manifest our vision.

Tarot teaches us that balance is not a fixed point, but a dynamic equilibrium that requires constant attention and adjustment. By using tarot as a tool for balance, we can learn to harmonize the different aspects of ourselves and create a happier and more fulfilling life.
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The Child with Key to Tarot

Monday, June 17, 2019

The Child card in tarot can have multiple meanings, and it's essential to consider the context and surrounding cards when interpreting it. Here are some aspects associated with the Child card:

1. Fresh Starts and New Beginnings: While the Child card can indeed represent an actual child, it often symbolizes a fresh start or something new in your life. It might indicate a new relationship, a new job opportunity, or even a new way of thinking. Pay attention to the context to understand precisely what aspect of your life it refers to.

2. Innocence and Naivete: The Child card embodies traits of innocence and naivete. When you're starting something anew, you may be more trusting, open, and vulnerable. Your lack of experience might lead to mistakes, but it also brings a playful curiosity that can open up fresh perspectives.

3. Youthful Energy: The Child card can represent youthfulness, whether in actual children or adults with a child-like nature. It's not always about age; it's about approaching situations with an open mind and a sense of wonder.

4. Starting Over: Sometimes, starting from scratch is positive—a chance for growth and renewal. However, consider the context; starting over can also be challenging or frustrating.

Here are some questions you might ask when interpreting the **Child** card:

- Where in life can I benefit from starting over?
- Am I being too naive?
- Where can I find help from someone more experienced?
- What can benefit from my fresh perspective?

Now let's explore some combinations with the Child card:

- Child + Messenger: Children who bring news; acting childish; a foal or a colt.
- Child + Clover: Small luck; starting to have fun; a younger person who plays video games; starting to gamble.
- Child + Ship: Small travels; trusting strangers; being naive about the direction you're heading in; young traveler; short trip.
- And many more combinations exist!

Remember that tarot readings are highly personal.

Why tarot was forbidden by the church? Because it contains ancient secrets, included in the Bible. What are they? For example, Solomon Temple is no other but the card of the House, and the House is representing you. The other secret is the Arc of Covenant. Is it an object, hidden somewhere? Is it lost? No. The Arc of Covenant is within you. It is the light and enlightenment. There are many other hidden words within Tarot, and that was the reason to forbid it. It contains the ancient secrets the Phoenicians left for you to discover.